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The Tandem Group® has launched our new website, with more useful information about our services and how we can help you with customized solutions for your insurance needs. The Tandem Group® connects the pieces for you!
- Annuities
- Life Insurance
- Long-Term Care Insurance
- Disability Income Insurance
- Health, Dental, & Vision
- Voluntary Benefits Solutions
- Medicare Supplement Insurance
- Qualified Retirement Plans
- Supplemental Employee Benefit Solutions
Have Questions? call us at 704-540-1401 or email us today!
Retirement today requires more planning than in previous generations. Sources of steady retirement income have changed, as fewer and fewer workers are covered by traditional employer-provided pensions that provide a lifetime benefit. In addition, advances in medicine have resulted in increased longevity. Today’s retirees may spend 20, 30 or more years in retirement.
Given this landscape, workers nearing retirement face an imminent crisis: how to generate a stream of income that is guaranteed to last throughout retirement. Whether they have access to employment-based retirement plans or not, achieving stable and secure income in retirement is a challenge for many Americans.
Life insurance is a key component of Americans’ ability to take individual responsibility for the financial futures of their families and businesses. It is unique in guaranteeing the delivery of financial security at precisely the moment it is needed, while contributing significantly to the nation’s storehouse of savings and investment capital.
A big fear for many American families is the death of a wage-earner or caregiver, leaving the surviving family members unable to cope financially. Life insurance offers peace of mind through immediate financial protection for dependents.
(NAPS) – There’s good news for those looking for a way to fund long-term care services at home: There’s an insurance product that may make it possible.
Long-term care includes medical and nonmedical care for people with a chronic illness or disability. It provides such support services as helping with dressing and bathing. These services can be provided at home, in the community, in assisted living or in nursing homes. While often thought of as a service for the elderly, the reality is that you may need long-term care at any age.